SPRINT® 3000 Gas Screen Printing Conveyor Dryer

Sprint 3000 is the most innovative and dependable gas dryer in the industry. Sprint 3000’s large color touchscreen control center features icon-based labeling and can display information and commands in multiple languages. It also displays real-time performance data, including temperature, temperature history, and output from the included temperature probe, which can be used to track substrate temperature as it passes through the dryer.

Product Options: 

  • 38" High Output Blower
  • 38" Three Phase Option
  • 38", 48", 60", 72", & 84" Wide 2' Drone Selection
  • 38", 48", 60", 72", & 84" Wide 24" I.R. Section
  • 38", 48", 60", 72", & 84" Wide 4' Conveyor Extension
  • 48", 60", 72", & 84" Wide 4' Conveyor Drive Section
  • 48", 60", 72", & 84" Wide 4' Conveyor Infeed Roller Section
  • 48", 60", 72", & 84" Wide 6' Burner Section
  • 48", 60", 72", & 84" Wide Cross Over Dual Belt Option
  • 72", 84" Wide Cross Over Triple Belt Option
  • 72" Wide Enhanced Hood System for DTG
  • Wide Enhanced Hood System for DTG-RETRO
  • Side Saddle
  • Single Phase Option for Burner Section 

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